Por um mundo melhor - Falas e textos

Tenho um Quadro de reflexões sobre ética e altruísmo eficaz, na Rádio Universitária (107,5 FM), às quintas feiras, 11:10 da manhã, dentro do Programa Trocando em Miúdos. Dura de 5 a 10 minutos. Chama-se Quem Sabe Faz a Hora, e a maioria das falas estão aqui:


O texto abaixo, do filósofo Peter Singer, que está em sua página na Universidade de
Princeton (http://www.petersinger.info/impact), contém a inspiração conceitual e prática principal do Quadro, eu mesmo endosso isso e tento praticar e sugerir aos ouvintes que considerem seriamente estas e outras causas e questões.


(Peter singer)

Do you want to do something to make the world a better place? Here are three easy ways to do it:

Donate some of your spare income to help those in great need.  Go to The Life You Can Save and click on “Where to Donate.” Then choose one of the charities recommended there. All of them have been carefully vetted by an expert panel (of which I am a member) and judged to be highly effective in the work they do.

No single human practice causes as much suffering to nonhuman animals as factory farming.  Right now, billions of animals are  locked in small cages so that they can't even stretch their limbs, or turn around, or are crowded into large sheds, tens of thousands of them in each shed, unable ever to go outside or enjoy fresh air and sunshine.  Boycott this inhumane system of production. Don't buy factory farmed meat, eggs or dairy products. Better still, go vegetarian or vegan.   Here’s a great website for the information you need.  And if you want to support a charity working for animals, check the recommendations at Animal Charity Evaluators.

Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.  Use public transport, walk or ride a bike whenever you can. If you must drive, get a fuel-efficient car, perhaps a hybrid.  And remember, the meat industry is a major source of greenhouse gases, making a greater contribution to global warming than the entire transport sector – that’s all cars, trucks, trains, ships, and planes combined – so the fewer animal products you eat, the lower will be the greenhouse gas emissions for which you are responsible. 

These three points are all about living in a way that is ethically responsible.  Try it - you'll find it gives more meaning to your life and it's a great antidote to boredom.  There is always so much to be done.   And talk to others about what you are doing.   Don't preach or be self-righteous or fanatical about it, that just puts people off, but at the same time, don't be shy about setting an example, and use opportunities that arise to let others know what you are doing.

If you want to do more, and work with other people who share your values, become a part of the Effective Altruism movement. Contact The Life You Can Save or Effective Altruism Hub for information about a group in your city or region, or if there isn’t one near you, ask for advice on how to start a new one.

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